Slots: how to identify pathological gambling addiction?
The uncontrollable desire to gamble manifests itself in pathological gambling, regardless of the consequences.
The DSM-V states that the following criteria must be met to make a diagnosis of pathological gambling:
The individual demonstrates problematic, ongoing, and repetitive gambling behavior that causes clinically significant distress and is manifested within 12 months when four or more of the following criteria are met:
– The need to spend more and more money to get what they need.
– Nervousness or irritability when trying to stop gambling.
– Constant unsuccessful attempts to stop gambling
– Frequent thinking about gambling. The person considers his previous gambling, plans his future gambling, or thinks about how to get money to keep gambling.
– When he is stressed (guilt, anxiety, depression, etc.), he often gambles.
– Money won in gambling is often returned the next day as a “loss recovery”.
– Takes false actions to hide his involvement in gambling.
– Risks or loses social connections, jobs, or education because of gambling.
– Believes his loved ones will give him money to help him cope with the financial problems caused by gambling.
Their gambling cannot be explained by a “manic episode”.
Pathological gambling is categorized as mild, moderate, or severe, as in other addictive disorders.
Why can slot machines become a drug?
Since slot machines were introduced in the late 19th century, they are about 150 years old. Despite their age, these machines have some characteristics that make them truly addictive:
The variety of sounds, lights and visual effects make them very attractive
The game does not require a lot of money, so anyone with some coins can play.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you or someone you love is showing signs of gambling addiction. We will talk to you about this addiction and our treatment methods.